Allie’s Pals Cat Rescue is a non-profit organization devoted to the well-being and rescuing of cats and kittens throughout the TriValley. We are dedicated individuals who find joy in creating healthy environments and, ultimately, forever homes for cats and kittens that otherwise may not have the opportunity to enhance the lives of people. We encourage the positive collaboration of area feline rescues in order to maximize efforts for all who share in the goal of treating, rehabilitating, and rescuing cats and kittens from public shelters. Our combined years of experience are proof of our commitment to nurturing furry felines and offering temporary foster homes while screening potential adoptive families.
2024 Board of Directors
Terri Duncan, Founder and President
Jackie Sumpster, Vice President
Kathy DiPaola, Secretary
Jennifer Chaney, Treasurer
Board Members: Jeri Behymer, Linda Heyes, Carol Bruton